
Ensure the sustainability of your packaging with the Sustainability Scan We use reliable material databases to gain insight in the carbon footprint of your packaging. Within two weeks we will be able to present the results to you in an online meeting. Afterwards you’ll receive the full report in pdf format. And all that for only 2.500 euros.

What can you test?

The scan was developed to quickly and cost effectively get an impression of the footprint of your packaging design and to explore several alternatives to reduce this. More specifically we look at the eco costs and carbon emission equivalents of the different materials that make up your packaging. The advantage of these single unit indicators is that they are easily understood by most people. If you have a more specific request, like for example a full Life Cycle Analysis, please contact us.

Results within two weeks

Speed is key in packaging design research, you don’t want to delay or disrupt the development process. This Scan into the sustainability of your packaging can be done in 10 working days from the moment we receive your package, or even sooner if you already know the materials (and their quantities) your package consists of.

Start scanning now

Do you want to know the sustainability of your packaging design? Or how the sustainability of your new packaging design compares to the old one? Start the test now:

  • Alternative scenarios to reduce, reuse and recycle your packaging
  • Tangible visualization of opportunities
  • €2.500,- report within a week

Feel free to contact us

If you need more information on the Sustainability Scan please get in touch with one of our specialists.

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